and, that is a wrap for this year!!!

This is it. This year San Fermin festivities have finished.

Every year, San Fermin starts and it is incredible how fast it goes.  We prepare all year for this week. And when it is over, we have a strange feeling. On one hand we are happy that the party ends. But on the other hand it is sad to go back to normal life.

First of all I would like to thank my amazing team. We have all worked so hard and so well. Thanks for bringing happiness to all our guests. Even the not so easy ones…LOL. Elo, you know who I am talking about….. It was hard but you  solved it!!!

Second, I want to thank all our venders. Balcony owners, restaurants, hoteliers. Specially this year, I want to thank our scalpers. Yes, I said scalpers. You have been there for the last, very last needs. Mr. XXX thanks for the 4 front row tickets in the shade in less than 3 hours. You are my hero!!!

I want to thank San Fermin for giving us an amazing festivities. Thanks for giving us some incredible miracles. You were there when we needed you. And you have solved miraculously some stress moments. THANK YOU!!.

Finally I want to thank all our guests. Thanks for coming all the way from each corner of the world ready to have fun. Ready to not judge and ready to experience. My team and I wishes you a great return to your countries, and we hope you remember this week with love.

Now it is the moment to rest for a week, and we will start preparing things for next year.



And as we sing here

Pobre de mi, pobre de mi.  Que se han acabado las fiestas de San Fermin.

Poor me, poor me. Now that the festivities of San Fermín have ended.