The family gets together during San Fermin

It is all about the family during San Fermin.

Modern times are all around the world and Pamplona is not an exception even during San Fermin.

For many centuries the people from Pamplona were born in Pamplona. Grew up in Pamplona. Got married in Pamplona, had a family in Pamplona and died in Pamplona. The feeling of belonging is a major thing here. Globalisation and the world crisis that started after September 11th have changed this situation. Now the young pamplonicas (and also the not that young) have to go to work outside of the town and even outside of the country. For the ones that have stayed a sense of melancholy and heart-breaking feeling invades our souls. In my case two of my brothers are outside of town. My  oldest brother lives in Zaragoza and the youngest one in Madrid. On my wife´s side,  my sister in law lives in the south of Spain, in Seville. My brother in law in Melbourne, Australia. So complete family reunions are difficult if not impossible.

There is a kind of secret code that we do not need to tell but we all know. All the people who live outside during the year, have to come back home for july 6th. The joy of being home for the opening ceremony. The pride of getting dressed all in white and red, and the emotion of seeing your parentes and brothers has no comparison. The closest to this is when you get together with your high-school friends also during San Fermin. Some of them living outside, and realizing that they are back home. The emotion of welcoming my friends makes time stop and we all know that no matter how far we are, they have a place back in our hearts and homes. At the door of our hearts is San Fermín, reminding us the real friends, no matter how far they are, they are always home in our hearts.