Bezeq TV commercial from Israel



The biggest phone company in Israel BEZEQ, made this fun commercial to sell telephones over there. I have no idea what they are saying, it is in Hebrew, and unfortunately, I don´t speak it. But a very fun couple from Tel Aviv have told me that it is a fun commercial. I hope it doesn´t say any thing inconvenient, but if it does, it is not my intention to offend. LOL

One things I know is taht this add has not been shot in Pamplona. Although I love my town, it is not as perfect as it shows in the commercial. Perfect houses, everything clean and tidy, flowers in all the balconies, it really  looks very beautiful. Another thing that I think is funny is that the runners are wearing a blue sash instead than the traditional red one. I guess they use it, because  Bezeq´s corporate color is a deep blue.

It is incredible to me that a company from Israel uses my hometown as the theme to sell Phones in the other side of the Mediterranean. I LOVE IT!!!  Bezeq  thank you so much for this beautiful commercial and sharing with the world our traditions, and specially doing it in such a clean and beautiful way.

I would love to collect as many publicity adds that talk about Pamplona from around the world as posible. So if you have a link or a picture from any corner in the world, please, share it with us. We love it!!


