Pamplona City Hall

Pamplona city hall is one of the most recognizable buildings in town.

I personally love it!!

pamplona city hall

The big building in the City Hall Square is, as you can imagine, the City Hall, LOL.

Pamplona Town Hall

This beautiful baroque building was constructed in the XVII century in order to replace our old city hall.

In the façade you can find several sculptures that have a great meaning. At the door we find two ladies.

The one with the sword represents the Law. So when a major makes a decision, always has to be following the law.

The other lady, the one with the mirror represents Prudence. We all know that the Law can interpreted in different ways.

A good major has to be prudent to always favor the people and not his own benefit.

At the sides of the highest level of the façade, you will find two men who look like baseball players.

They are Hercules representing the strength. Once the major makes a right decision, he or she has to be strong to implement it.

At the very top of the City Hall  you will find a lady with a trumpet that represents Success.

If you follow the law, you are prudent and strong, for sure you will succeed.

On the second floor you will find the official flags: the red, yellow and red, represents Spain.

The full red one represents the state of Navarre and the full green represents the city of Pamplona and the blue one with the stars is the European flag.

During this week the City Hall is perfectly dressed up with the royal gallons to welcome you.

So it is only dressed like this during this week of the year.

One more curiosity, at the feet of the two sculptures (Law and Prudence) you will find Pamplona’s altitude, one considering it from the Mediterranean Sea and the other from the Atlantique Ocean. Check that they are a bit different.

Do  you want to learn more about Pamplona´s history and traditions? follow this link and book now a Pamplona city tour, you will learn all about my hometown



image of Pamplona City Hall

18th century City Hall