VOGUE loves Rioja wine region, and I know why!!

I have just found that when Anna Wintour (Vogue editor) says anything about anything, it is because it is trendy yes or yes. So guess what! American Vogue has edited an article talking about La rioja wine region.

I must say that I agree with the article, La Rioja is a great hidden gem that needs to be discovered. And it is just 50 minutes away from Pamplona.

Great grapes = great wine

Great grapes = great wine

The wine tradition in this area comes fro the Roman times. Years ago, we discovered in Navarra the oldest winery in a village called Arellano. It was a farm all decicated to the wine production. The mosaics where designed to honor Bacus, the god of wine. All the utensils found there where used in the harvesting, and wine preserving. If you have some time, you should contact with them and visit the place., It is amazing.  Guiarte is the company who you need to contact.

Latter in years, through the middle ages, all of our Kings and Queens loved the wine and they were the benefactors of the wine production. Today we still produce some of the best wines in Spain. Around 1990, is when we realized that wine torism could be an option. Some of our wineries, oppened their treasures for us to learn, enjoy and buy. We can help you organize a tour through some of our wineries, we can visit modern ones and also some more small, family stile ones.

After reading this Vogue article, I have to agree that Vogue is always right!!!